Friday, June 2, 2023

Woodland Trail, Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Chincoteague, VA, 5/15/23

Chincoteague is known for its wild ponies that roam on Assateague Island.  
Legends has it that they are descendants of horses that were shipwrecked in the 17th century off the Virginia coast and swam to shore.
If you look closely, you will see a small band of grazing ponies..

We opted to give the Woodland trail a try only to find ourselves assaulted by mosquitos.
Slathered in insect repellant and walking at a brisk pace we did complete the 1.6-mile trail.

 The beach, on the left though not visible from this photo, was an endless expanse of fine white sand.  
 With the added bonus of having no condos or other human construction spoiling the views.
And no mosquitos!  For me, an ideal running beach. Managed to run 3 miles in the light breeze. 

Wincopin trail, Savage Park, MD, 4/16/2024

Midweek afternoon stroll along the Wincopin red trail in the company of Master Gardener Ann Coran, who invited us on a spring wildflower hun...