Friday, June 21, 2019

Ellis to Osha Loop via Crest trail, Sandia Mountains, NM, 6/12/19

Wednesday Mountain Club hike. At the start of the hike, encounter this large burned area along Ellis trail.  Patches of green here and there showing slow recovery.

Hiked north on  Crest trail where we stopped several times to admire the views of the city. 
Sunny but hazy day; Pollution? Smoke?

Took a short side trail to North Sandia Peak (no picture.) In contrast with South Sandia peak, North peak does not take any effort to reach and has not identifying markers. Wouldn't have know it was a peak unless the leader pointed it out!

From the Crest trail we headed to Osha Loop to find beautiful grassy meadows and young Aspen. 

Total distance: 8.2 miles; elevation ~1500 feet.  

Wincopin trail, Savage Park, MD, 4/16/2024

Midweek afternoon stroll along the Wincopin red trail in the company of Master Gardener Ann Coran, who invited us on a spring wildflower hun...