Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Embudito-Embudo Loop, Continued

On the way down Embudo, there was a rhino guarding the canyon. Abi, what does the rhino say?
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Embudito-Embudo Loop

This hike with Jim and Mark started out with a good omen. Four hawks flying repeatedly in a circle above us during our trek up Embudito. If you look carefully, you will see 3 black dots flying overhead. A family of hawks??
Another streak of good luck... We met up with a photographer who teaches digital photography 101 at UNM Continuing Education. She gave us pointers on how to take landscape pictures. Can you tell? (Needless to say, I decided on the spot to take her class during the summer.)

Every hike we ran into an oddity of nature...

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Nambe Pueblo Mesa Hike

We hiked Nambe Pueblo Mesa during our w.e. of house sitting in Nambe Pueblo with Katy and Marlin. The mesa starts just at the back of the house. After a very short climb, first thing we noticed was a golf course in the desert...

The views were fabulous, with whimsical formation formed by erosion...
....Santa Fe Baldy, and
Truchas Peak.
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Wincopin trail, Savage Park, MD, 4/16/2024

Midweek afternoon stroll along the Wincopin red trail in the company of Master Gardener Ann Coran, who invited us on a spring wildflower hun...