Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pueblo Alto Trail, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, June 17, 2012

We spent last w.e. exploring Chaco Canyon. We toured the Great Houses on Saturday afternoon and settled on an early morning Sunday hike to Pueblo Alto, a Great House on top of the mesa, about 0.6 miles north (3 miles round trip.)  Above, Chetro Ketl.

First, we needed to climb up to the mesa.  A series of exposed steps led to a narrow passage up to the mesa.

There was a lot of talk about the summer soltice at Chaco Canyon. The ancestral Chacoans built all of the houses oriented to solar, lunar and cardinal directions.  A croud was expected in 4 days to observe the solstice and the many astronomical markings found in the park.  Above is my best attempt at giving you an idea of a summer solstice marking. Imagine the sun rays marking a particular point, a window or a petroglyph, at just a particular time during the solstice.  

View of Pueblo Bonito from the mesa.  

First view of Alto Nuevo.

Pueblo Alto.  Here is what a Great House looks like when it has not been recontructed.

Chaco remains a spiritual place to today's Pueble and Hopi people. Hiking the mesa and approaching the Great Houses,  I felt as if I was trespassing in a world that should not be treaded upon, if it wasn't  for the
crows bringing me back to reality.
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Soldier's Delight East Loop, Owen Mills, MD, 8/24/24

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