Friday, June 15, 2012

Arches National Park, Utah, May 25, 2012

We arrived at Arches National Park late in the afternoon of one of the busiest w.e. of the year only to find out we did not have a campsite reserved.  In addition, the visitor center warned against 60 mile an hour winds, not exactly ideal camping weather.   We decided to explore Moab and find a place that would give us a roof over our heads. After settling in for the night (and cooking dinner in the room's microwave), we went back to the park to enjoy the cooler evening weather and the sunset.  The pictures are blurry because of the sand being whipped up by the wind.

The Park has more than 2,500 arches, formed by running water over eons of years. Above, North Window and South Window.

Walking up to Double Arch.

One could call the park nature's art, a place that inspires contemplation, reflection and self-expression.
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Soldier's Delight East Loop, Owen Mills, MD, 8/24/24

With this hike we completed the two connected trails at the Soldier's Delight Environmental Area .  For an account of our outing hiking ...