Monday, March 23, 2015

Embudito Trail, Sandias, NM, 3/22/15

 This is a great training hike: 8 miles round trip to Oso pass. We did not make it quite that far today, as we had great difficulty finding the rerouted trailhead and spent 45 minutes finding it.  Here is the marker indicating the start of rerouted trail 192. 
 Yesterday was first day of spring and we were rewarded with balmy spring weather, very little wind, and plenty of sunlight.

Turning point, 2-3 miles in.

1 comment:

Patapsco CCC Remains trail, Patapsco State Park, MD, 10/23/24

 Our first hike with Senior Rangers organized by Maryland Dept of Natural Resources. Actually, the fifth outing, as we missed some, and some...