Spent one week in the French Alps in a small village called "Le Bettex" close to St Gervais les Bains and Chamonix. As you may recall, Chamonix is the town at the foot of the highest mountain in France, the Mount Blanc. The very tip of the highest range in the middle of the photo below is the Mount Blanc.
My friend Catherine and a friend of hers organized a week entitled "Copines Creatives" (loosely translated as "Creative Girlfriends.") The idea was for a group of 10 women who knew each other little to spend a week getting to know each other and sharing their passions. Examples of passions shared: bee raising, reading, improv/psychodrama, working with clay, Hebertism, hiking, yoga and more.
Long walks and picnics in the sun.....

A little fun along the path... My friend Catherine and I.

Yoga with the most incredible background.
Sunset on the Mount Blanc.
This was our view every evening from the dining room of the "chalet" where we stayed.
What a week of camaraderie, developing friendships, connection, intellectual exchanges and creative pursuits.