Sunday, June 13, 2021

Wincopin Red and Green Trails, Savage Park, MD, 6/13/21

Short hike on this balmy Sunday along two branches of the Little Patapsco river near Jessup, MD. 

At the last minute we decided to take along my daughter's dog Mylee, the senior one of the two family dogs. Given her 16 years, she no longer runs or jumps but walks at a determined steady slowish pace.  We followed her lead which turned the hike into an enjoyable and relaxed ~2.5 miles stroll among the beech and ash trees. 

 Like a duck out of water.....

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Pigtail Trail, Tridelphia Reservoir, MD, 5/31/21

Brief afternoon Memorial day walk, exploring the Tridelphia reservoir. The trail was developed as an arboretum by Boy Scout Troop 649 in 2015-2016.  It showcases 20 species of trees along it 3/4-mile length and leads to a beautiful sandy cove.  See above. 

I wanted to return to this area after attempting to walk the trail last January with my children and grandchildren.  The ice covered trail turned our walk into a slip and slide affair that made progress all but impossible! 

Patapsco CCC Remains trail, Patapsco State Park, MD, 10/23/24

 Our first hike with Senior Rangers organized by Maryland Dept of Natural Resources. Actually, the fifth outing, as we missed some, and some...