Covid-19 pandemic hike #7
Set off with two MN Mountain Club hikers (with social distancing of course) to explore Domingo Baca canyon, once again. This trail is among the most popular in the Sandias and leads to what is left of TWA flight {that crashed on 1/19/55},before joining the La Luz trail almost at the top of the mountain. Not surprisingly, the rating for this in-and-out 7-mile hike is "difficult" with elevation of ~3500 ft. Needless to say, we didn't make it all the way up; turned around at ~2.5-mile mark.
Blooming Texas sacahuista also called Bunch grass or Beargrass
Bearded irises
While the temperature on this last day of April was already in the high 80s, the trail was surprisingly cool as long as the trail followed the small stream.
Quiet lunch spot by the stream; only trickle but cool nevertheless.
Baby white aster