Friday, December 27, 2013

Mano Trail, Sandia Mountains, 11/17/13

We hiked this trail along the west side of the Sandias almost two years ago (see blog Feb 2012.)   It is a short and pleasant hike with almost constant views of the city and just enough excitement hiking over multiple ridges. The hike starts at Embudo trailhead and veers south by the flood-control reservoir. 

The Mano trail actually starts at the base of the power line above and ends at another set of power lines close to the Copper Canyon Open Space parking lot.  

Favorite part of the hike: getting a welcome respite from crossing the plateau-like mesa after climbing a couple of ridges. Yes, we are still on the west side of the Sandias; the city is just a hop to the right.

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Patapsco CCC Remains trail, Patapsco State Park, MD, 10/23/24

 Our first hike with Senior Rangers organized by Maryland Dept of Natural Resources. Actually, the fifth outing, as we missed some, and some...